Sunday, July 31, 2011

Yay for Bookworms!

I felt this deserved it's own post. We just got back Caroline's state test results. She passed advanced in History and Reading! She is also reading on a junior/senior in high school level. I was thrilled and proud, but the look on Rob's face when he looked up her reading level: well, it was like she'd just won a trophy! See there is a benefit to all the hours that she spends locked up with her books. He even backed me on my idea to encourage her to read a classic this summer. I'm thinking Jane Eyre. He's thinking it's like training. Will I come home one day and find her with a big thick leather bound book in her lap while Rob shouts motivating platitudes and squirts Gatorade into her mouth? I am so proud of my girl, she worked her tail off this year and shined!

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