Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's the Time of the Season For.......

Did you think loving you? Then you too were raised by hippy parents! School is as usual crazy amounts of busy. It seems like every year there is more on my plate at work. I am team lead this year and well, me being me, I am taking it too seriously. I don't believe in doing something if I can't do it right. It really is the worst case of self imposed type A personality. Did I ever tell you that after spending all of high school and college thinking I was Type A, I took a quiz that showed I'm actually Type B acting as Type A. I see it as an off shoot of growing up LD. You screw things up enough times, you become determined to not let it happen again. Well, maybe that is only if your LD with co-dependent tendencies. Ok, enough arm chair psychology.  What it all boils down to is stress.

It seems so much more pronounced this year because I am sad and tired. I didn't get my usual rest this summer (I never made it to the gym or even took one nap). I keep thinking that I should snap out of it, but given everything that is going on in my life right now, a little sadness is normal. I don't let it color my day, but it is there in the background like a dull persistent toothache. Rob has been awesome trying to pitch in. He took next Tuesday off  to take care of various household jobs. Job 1: have the heating company come out and check the furnace for the winter. Job 2: take the dog to the vet. The dog did something to her jaw. Rob said if I took her, she come home with braces. Job 3: take my car in to get the left turn signal fixed again.

I have two things at the front of my mind. 1. Be the best teacher that I can. 2. Be the best mom that I can. It is really important to me that the girls have a normal a time as possible. We have had something every night this week and last. There's violin lessons, scouts, soccer, and back to school nights. Last weekend I took Caroline to her teen scout encampment. This weekend Rob is taking Lily horseback riding with her troop. Caroline and I are going to see my mom, then going to her soccer game. After her soccer game, I will meet Rob at the stables, switch kids, and camp with Lily's troop. Next weekend, Caroline and I are going to an all day music festival with her boyfriend and my cousin. I am really excited about that! In the midst of all of this we have out grown fall clothes and there are surprise school supplies that need to be purchased. Throw in homework and housework and work work and, well, it all seems so much. I am just taking it bite by bite and day by day. I don't always do it with patience or grace or even good manners, but it gets done. And in the tradition of our family, that is "good enough."

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