Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This summer has been such a contradiction. All at once it has been full of sorrow, frustration, and moments of intense breathtaking wonder. I've written about the sorrow and frustration, but there has also been such joy that I just want to stop and yell "Freeze! I need to memorize this moment."

Watching my best friend play with my restless goofy daughter and then make both girls giggle with inappropriate jokes.

My awesome cousin staying with Lily so Caroline and I could go visit my mother in the hospital. That same cousin's brilliant suggestion that we spend that evening watching Sharknado.

Meeting up with old treasured friends at a local bar and remembering that I am more than simply an overwhelmed teacher, exhausted mother, patient wife, and loving daughter. Also, remembering that it is okay to laugh when your heart is breaking, as a matter of fact it just might be vital.

Dancing with Caroline and my other best friend in the rain at a Fun. concert. Feeling like the most awesome mother in the world as we screamed and high fived.

Watching Lily leave her frustration and confusion behind to make her baby cousin laugh. I don't know which child glowed more.

Introducing my oldest to the brilliance that is Sufjan Stevens.

Spending the afternoon wandering the mall with both girls and getting Caroline her coveted "hipster glasses."

Sure preceding or following each moment there was frustration, sorrow, or both. Last week, a friend posted the following "To worry is to meditate on the negative." Okay, so positive it is.

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