Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall is in the Air

It is starting to feel like fall. The air is cooler at night, some leaves have started falling, my living room is full of baskets of unfolded clothes..... all the signs that it is time for school to begin. I am feeling a little anxious this year, and I'm not sure why. It could be the fact that my baby starts high school. It could also be the fact that I have already been warned about certain kids in my class. Honestly, I like to go in with a blank slate. The beauty of the start of a new school year is just that: it is a start. It is the chance for potential. Shouldn't everyone have that chance?

I am sitting here watching my girls try on their new outfits and wonder about how everything will be different. Lily has outgrown most of her clothes this summer. Along with outgrowing clothes, she seems to have outgrown tutus, side hair bows, and fairy wings. I knew this day was coming. I am still not ready. Her charm seems to have grown a sharp edge. She is interested in pop music and has decided that age 7 is when one become a tween.

This summer went by so fast, not with a bang, but more of a whimper or even a whine. This seems to have been the summer of discontent. Our little family had such a difficult spring, by the time I managed to really relax, summer was gone. We went to the pool and CT and Illinois and Kings Dominion. We watched a lot of movies. Caroline and I watched a lot of X-Files and Friends. We also listened to a lot of music, esp Some Nights by fun. Lily and I listened to a ton of books on CD. I worked on a project for my new niece or nephew. Caroline and I read a lot of books. Somehow it still feels like time wasted. I feel like I missed some grand opportunity, but for the life of me I can't figure out what. It seems like we had the sort of normal summer that normal people have.

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