Well, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. The simple truth is this year has been crazy busy and I have been beyond exhausted. Lily and Caroline are adjusting well to kindergarten and seventh grade. They also have lots of activities: dance, scouts (for both), band etc. This teaching year has been more challenging than I was prepared for. Honestly, if I had posted sooner, so much of my writing would have been venting. I have a pretty challenging class and all of the teachers are under crazy pressure. I feel like all I do is assess and analyze data. The good news is that I am finally loosing weight. I like to call it the "Data Diet." Seriously, I think it is because I am trying to still go to yoga class as often as I can.
There have been quiet a few things to be thankful for this fall, my brother got married and so ends the reign of "groomzilla." It ended up being a beautiful wedding and the girls were so pretty. Rob and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary. Lily was Mr. Mistoffelees for Halloween. Rob was sick so I got to take her to her school costume party and trick or treating. She is loving dance and will start Daisy scouts this week. She is still as funny as ever and as soon as I clear the cobwebs from my head, I'll post some of her latest stories.
Caroline is working her butt off in school. It has been harder lately, but she is really trying hard. She still loves scouts and will start back up in swim in December. She has a new band teacher and was picked to be in the high band for the winter concert. She is playing 7 different percussion instruments. I'm just a little proud:)
Well, I survived the fall and now we are heading into my season. December is going to be insanely busy, but I think that I am bettered equipped to cope with it now. Of course this is all said after coming off of Thanksgiving break. It all remains to be seen. Enjoy the season and stay chill (while keeping toasty).